Website carbon footprint calculation course

Beginner-friendly, no-code course.

Maintaining an up-to-date website carbon footprint dashboard is unsustainable currently, even for small websites, let alone medium-sized ones with over 100 pages.

Free tools like provide only a general idea for individual pages, while specialised carbon measurement services are often prohibitively expensive, catering primarily to large organisations.

The Website carbon footprint calculator course aims to bridge these gaps by:

  • setting up automated systems for measuring your website’s carbon footprint
  • getting more precise measurements and more data points for creating detailed reports
  • guiding you on how to report and present the collected data effectively.

This course is for:

  • individuals seeking insights into website performance to make informed content decisions, both on strategic and page level
  • professionals looking to report company emissions in alignment with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG).

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