About me

My academic and personal endeavours fuel my passion and current profession for web content design and curation. My training in user experience and graphic design provides me with the tools needed to craft and present high-quality content that resonates with your audience.


Content designer for:

2 years and counting.

After numerous discussions with individuals at the intersection of research and creative fields and reviewing their websites, a clear trend emerged to me:

Many websites lack clarity and fail to engage.

They do not have a specific target audience or clear calls to action and often just clutter the digital space. These shortcomings stem from owners’ limited technical skills and lack of interest in making and managing online content due to time constraints.

In today’s knowledge-driven economy, showcasing your unique work online is essential. It can attract opportunities and serve as a competitive advantage.

I am all about diversity of ideas and perspectives for a better world.

Through my experience of sharing my work and ideas online, I want to support researchers to do the same. That way, they can focus on producing more work and ideas, while I take care of their digital presence.